Happy Monday Friends! The weekend just flies by, doesn’t it? I’d like to apologize for my absence around here. Things have been pretty busy lately. I’m feeling thankful though because I am finally getting some time to sit and work on this little blog of mine, as I sit here and sip on some bliss aka peppermint mocha coffee. Nothing says the holidays like delicious flavored coffee! I’ve been seeing everyone’s Christmas decoration posts and it’s making me so eager to start decorating too. But, I am staying strong and waiting until after Thanksgiving, as difficult as it is.
Like I said, a lot has been going on around here , for one hubby & I put in our first bid on a house, ever. It’s pretty exciting. It’s a fixer upper, but we really like it and are up for a challenge. Especially after all of the Chip & Jo Jo we’ve watched, we are absolutely inspired. A lot of people are putting in bids for this house, so we may not get it and we are okay with that. We just wanted to give it a try and see what happens. I always say it’s better to try than not to because the worst thing that can happen is it will be a no. But, you’ll never know if you don’t try. I’ve also been working hard on getting all the documents I need together for my new job, and it’s been taking a while.
Honestly, I feel like my to-do list has been miles long these past few weeks. It could be really overwhelming and discouraging, especially when you don’t end up getting every task checked off. As I was reading my devotional the other day, Jesus Calling, the one passage really touched me and couldn’t be anymore relevant. It’s so easy to let fear and worries bubble up when it comes to everything you need to get done. Some worries and fear surface again and again. So, instead of letting this fear control you, turn to Jesus and he will be with you and help you cope with your future-orientated worries. It’s so important to enjoy peace in his presence. With being off of work and trying to juggle all the the demands I have to get done each day I really needed to hear this. I highly recommend this devotional book. It’s a small and encouraging passage for everyday of the year along with 3-4 verses to read for that day.
I’d like to share some helpful tips when it comes to making the most of your to do list and staying calm at the same time that I have learned..
(1) Utilize a planner
Planners are so important to me! I would be so lost if I didn’t use one. It’s hands down one of the best ways to stay organized and create your to do lists. You can keep track of everything you need to remember so easily like birthdays, meetings, appointments, etc. I really like this one.
(2) Plan your day early
We all know the old saying, “the early bird gets the worm” and it’s so true you guys. When I wake up early I feel like I have so much time to do things and it’s so much easier to stay on task. So wake up and get ready to take on the day.
(3) Identify your top 3 to do’s
Be intentional. With a list of about 10 things, identify your top 3 that must be done today and get those done first. You’ll feel so much better and it’s so much more efficient when it comes to getting things done. There is always more time tomorrow to get the rest of the little, less important tasks.
(4) Take time
Don’t forget to take time for yourself, for your family, etc. At the end of the day make sure you take some time to be grateful and rest. Recap your day, celebrate your progress, and prepare for tomorrow. This way you’ll be able to make the most of your time.
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